Attention: Men With Something Worth Protecting…
This Revolutionary Tool Is Considered Too Dangerous For Police To Carry:

Rip, Shred, Blind And Destroy Any Attacker In Seconds Flat with the The Commander Assault Baton…

The Commander By Strongür Is The Ultimate Close Quarters Defensive Device

The boys in blue might not be able to carry this next to their sidearm but now, for the first time, you can. This beautiful abomination will be your go-to tool when TSHTF.


You have a family to protect…


A home to protect…


And Lives that depend on you.


In a crisis every second counts now more than ever and your ability to act could be the difference between light damage and total disaster.

Are You Willing To Do What It Takes To Protect Your Family In A Crisis?

In any long term disaster scenario…you won’t have friends, you will have your family and a select group of people that you can depend on…everyone else is a risk.


You can guaran-damn-tee that it won’t be long before the people you thought were your friends and neighbors show their true colors and come after what you have.


It’s no secret that disasters are occurring more and more frequently and the thugs, thieves and low lifes are making a KILLING off of them…off of your hard earned money and everything you’ve bought with it.


Just look at this recent footage of a town in Florida taken only a few hours after Hurricane Irma passed through (the rain hadn’t even stopped yet and they were already out pilfering!)

They’ve learned that as soon as a hurricane, wildfire, or snowstorm passes through an area… they can just waltz in and take what they want… that big screen tv you just picked up… is now sitting in THEIR living room… that brand new computer is now surfing the web in someone else’s house… but that’s what insurance is for….

The Real Trouble Comes When You Decide To Stay And Defend Your Castle… And The Wolves Are At Your Door.

If you’re reading this page, I’m going to assume you already have a firearm and the training to use it correctly if and when the time comes for it.


But sometimes a firearm just isn’t the right tool for the job


Sure, you’re gun has stopping power and NO ONE can mistake the sound of a shotgun racking…(it’s a universal language that states very clearly….” you should choose your next moves and words carefully”)


But the downside is they are loud, and quickly call way too much attention to yourself…which is not something you need when you’re hunkering down and trying to avoid confrontation to keep your family safe and your supplies secured.


I need to be clear…this isn’t just a regular baton… the Commander is meant to do serious damage and stop an attacker in his tracks.


We can both be honest here, a baton (or billy club) isn’t exactly a new invention… but the Commander Assault Baton isn’t just a billy club.

The Commander Is The Beautiful Abomination Of An Officers Billy Club And A Barbed Wire Wrapped Baseball Bat.

The Commander isn’t just your run of the mill baton that every “rent-a-cop” with a paper badge can carry around your local mall…


The Commander is a modern take on a self defense device that has been in use since the first man realized that the path to victory against another man lay with whomever carried the biggest stick…


The Commander is made from lightweight but incredibly tough aluminum alloy that means it will take (and give) a licking and keep on ticking!


The expertly designed ridges are built to shred an attacker to pieces with a single blow….forcing them to rethink every lifechoice that led to their encounter with you.


But the Commander is so much more than a devastatingly effective defensive device. It has a built in 300 lumen LED torch that will light up an entire room and make any thug dumb enough to find themselves in your path see stars…(and that’s before you even get close enough to use it).


It also includes an incredibly powerful lithium 1865 battery that takes a charge and holds it for months on end…so that when you need it – it’s ready, willing, and able to keep you and your family safe.

The Commander Is Deadly, Dangerous, And An Absolute Necessity For Any Disaster…

It will 10x the power of your punch and gives you an extra 12” of reach putting you well out of harm’s way for any attacker stupid enough to think they’ve got one over on you in a close quarters situation


And unlike wooden batons, the Commander is built to stand the test of time. No need to worry about it splitting, splintering, warping, or cracking. Just pure blunt force when you need it most.


If you’ve ever looked at batons or billy clubs, you’ll know that they can vary wildly in price… even your most basic wooden baton can go for 29.99 or more!


And one’s similar to the Commander go for upwards of 49.99…


But don’t worry…we’ve worked out a very special “members only” deal with Strongür.


Right now you can grab your very own Commander Assault Baton for just $19.99 that’s over 50% off the retail cost AND we’ll even take care of the shipping.

But There Is A Catch…

I was only able to get Strongür to set aside a small amount of Commander’s for this special “members only promotion.”


The Commander Assault Baton is one of their top selling self defense devices and they have a hard time keeping it in stock. It took weeks of negotiating for me to grant me access to the small amount and I don’t know how long they will last.


This “Members Only Deal” is only available RIGHT NOW…if you leave this page it may not be available again.


We only have a limited number of Commander’s available…


Once they’re gone, there is no guarantee I’ll be able to get them back and I might not be able to get them at this price ever again.


The choice is yours…you can click the button below right now and be one of the first to get their hands on a genuine Commander Assault Baton from Strongür now..

Or you can take your chances and hope you never need the Commander.


Don’t say I didn’t warn you…


Still not convinced?


You have ZERO risk… Read my:

"Iron Clad" 100% Money Back Guarantee.

I am so sure that you will love your new Commander that I am personally backing it up with a 100% money back guarantee.


In other words, if for any reason (or no reason at all) you don’t think the Commander is worth every penny, just let me know and I’ll give you a prompt and courteous full refund. No questions asked.

Claim Your Commander Now!

YES! Please give me my Commander, the ultimate in “less than lethal” close quarters combat tools that also doubles as an ultra bright flashlight for only $19.99.
I know that with my Commander I will never have to worry about being able to defend myself and my family in an emergency EVER again. Click the button below NOW!

That’s 50% Plus FREE Shipping!

If You Wait, There's A Good Chance You'll Lose...

Obviously, by giving you all of the savings I was able to secure, I’m really not making any money here. So why am I doing it?


Because I want to have as many people as possible safely prepared for any situation… and I don’t want you to waste a single penny when doing it.


When I run out of our current inventory of the Commander, I’ll try as hard as I can to secure more of them but there is a good chance that they won’t let me keep this discount, and I can’t guarantee that I can keep offering the Commander at just $19.99

Remember, If You Wait Until You Need Something To Get It...You’re Already Too Late

If you’re the last one to prepare – You’ll be up a creek and SOL when the SHTF.


So you have two choices and you need to take action right now.
You can take that chance that when TSHTF you’ll be safe and secure with what you have…and trust that your family won’t need the help of the Commander after a crisis.


Or you can make sure, today, that this vital piece of your preparedness plan, is taken care of now with one simple but devastatingly effective tool…


The right choice is yours to make.


WARNING: Supplies are limited for the Commander, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to get any more at this price again.


This is your last chance to claim your Commander Assault Baton by clicking the button below.


Do it now.

© 2021 – Family Protection Association